HP2 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

HP2 6 is a postcode sector in Dacorum, UK. Below is a complete list of HP2 6 Postcodes (Active). HP2 6 postcode sector comprises of 146 active postcodes. HP2 6 sector has a population of 7701, and it has 3192 properties in the region.

Browse Information On HP2 6 postcode sector

HP2 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7701
Addresses / Property Count 3192
Active Postcodes 146
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

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showing 0-50 of 146 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
HP2 6AA 51.77360600 -0.45011800 31 95 507033 209462
HP2 6AB 51.77279000 -0.45095700 27 70 506977 209370
HP2 6AD 51.77215500 -0.45746400 N/A N/A 506530 209290
HP2 6AE 51.77225200 -0.46409300 5 17 506072 209291
HP2 6AG 51.81290500 -0.49270200 N/A N/A 504005 213771
HP2 6AH 51.77199700 -0.45078200 35 64 506991 209282
HP2 6AJ 51.77202100 -0.45204800 41 67 506904 209283
HP2 6AL 51.77155600 -0.45349300 50 71 506805 209229
HP2 6AN 51.77177300 -0.45441900 13 20 506741 209252
HP2 6AQ 51.77300300 -0.46176900 N/A N/A 506231 209378
HP2 6AS 51.77244500 -0.45208500 21 53 506900 209330
HP2 6AT 51.77264600 -0.45365800 27 81 506791 209350
HP2 6AU 51.77381200 -0.45414000 9 20 506755 209479
HP2 6AW 51.77323400 -0.45185500 21 56 506914 209418
HP2 6AY 51.77692800 -0.46203500 N/A N/A 506203 209814
HP2 6AZ 51.77296800 -0.45487900 18 45 506706 209384
HP2 6BA 51.77243400 -0.45460800 16 40 506726 209325
HP2 6BB 51.77346600 -0.45447100 13 42 506733 209440
HP2 6BE 51.77427100 -0.45554500 38 56 506657 209528
HP2 6BG 51.77414300 -0.45396900 46 52 506766 209516
HP2 6BH 51.77327900 -0.45599900 19 50 506628 209417
HP2 6BJ 51.77318800 -0.45729200 2 6 506539 209405
HP2 6BL 51.77474400 -0.45186200 39 64 506910 209586
HP2 6BN 51.81103600 -0.49487700 7 13 503859 213560
HP2 6BP 51.77373300 -0.45567900 25 30 506649 209468
HP2 6BS 51.77120300 -0.45069900 32 84 506999 209194
HP2 6BT 51.77106300 -0.45235600 13 26 506885 209176
HP2 6BU 51.77099400 -0.45317800 35 70 506828 209167
HP2 6BX 51.77073500 -0.45469500 47 101 506724 209136
HP2 6BY 51.77130300 -0.45683500 16 30 506575 209196
HP2 6BZ 51.77189600 -0.45616200 23 46 506620 209263
HP2 6DA 51.77095200 -0.45616600 12 33 506622 209158
HP2 6DB 51.77039300 -0.45616200 26 60 506624 209096
HP2 6DD 51.76974900 -0.45629400 11 29 506616 209024
HP2 6DE 51.77000800 -0.45685000 10 25 506577 209052
HP2 6DF 51.77121000 -0.45733100 30 49 506541 209185
HP2 6DG 51.77187300 -0.45709100 32 66 506556 209259
HP2 6DH 51.77392100 -0.45219400 42 56 506889 209494
HP2 6DJ 51.77399100 -0.45272800 39 48 506852 209501
HP2 6DL 51.77505000 -0.45254700 41 66 506862 209619
HP2 6DN 51.77017100 -0.45826500 12 31 506479 209068
HP2 6DP 51.77001000 -0.45906700 16 39 506424 209049
HP2 6DQ 51.77388500 -0.45144200 37 55 506941 209491
HP2 6DR 51.76945800 -0.45807200 13 28 506494 208989
HP2 6DS 51.76960500 -0.45969000 21 57 506382 209003
HP2 6DT 51.76954700 -0.46079300 26 70 506306 208995
HP2 6DU 51.76936800 -0.46152400 20 51 506256 208974
HP2 6DW 51.76969400 -0.45897700 5 12 506431 209014
HP2 6DX 51.76898200 -0.46232600 14 31 506202 208930
HP2 6DZ 51.77471700 -0.45386300 36 118 506772 209580
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